Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Thank you!

Wow.  Just wow.  We are ever so grateful and humbled by the awesomely supportive and positive response we’ve received over the past 24 hours – high school & college friends, church friends and family, old friends and new, we TRULY thank you from the bottom of our hearts.  

Our cup runneth over.

Much love, 

Annie & KB

Monday, August 27, 2012

BIG news!

Many of you know that we’ve been hoping for a family of our own for quite a while now and have faced some complications along the way. We are so happy to announce that we have decided to adopt a baby!

We’ve completed our homestudy and are waiting for a birthmother to choose us to be her baby’s family.  Most likely we will bring our baby home from the hospital – although depending on the baby’s birth state we may have to stay for a week or so while the paperwork between our two states is finalized.

Our adoption will be semi-open at the very least, meaning that the birthmother will choose us and we will keep in touch through letters and photos after placement.  There’s no official ‘timeline’ in terms of a waiting period or when we can expect to bring our baby home – we could be chosen next week or it could take a year or so for the right birthmother to come along.  In the meantime, your prayers and support mean everything to us.  We are so thrilled to grow our family to three (or four?!?)We just can’t wait to introduce you all to baby Barnett.

Much love, 

Annie & KB