Hello Friends & Fam!
First, please allow me to say thank you to each
of you for your support thus far. This may sound trite, but honestly we
wouldn't have made it this far without all your prayers, encouragement, texts,
phone calls, sweet notes, chats over coffee, etc. Thank you for being you!
You can't begin to imagine how blessed we feel to have SO many people who
are supporting us in prayer and encouragement. It's
been extraordinary - truly. High fives all round! Our baby
(or babies???) are already SO loved and lifted up in prayer by so many.
Knowing that just buoys us up to handle whatever may come our
way. We are crazy excited about the future of our family, which is an answer to
prayer and a blessing in and of itself. We appreciate y'all more than you
can ever know. Philippians 1:3 comes to mind - We thank our God upon
every remembrance of you!
I'll be honest, I've found it difficult to keep
everyone updated and end up forgetting who I've told what! So, in an effort to
be as thorough as possible, I figured I'd start sending emails... DISCLAIMER:
If email is not your thing and you find yourself wanting to scream or you'd
rather be pinched on the underarm repeatedly than read another email - don't
despair. Call me and I'll give you the update via phone :) My goal
is to keep it short & sweet. If I can get my act together at some
point I will start a blog... stay tuned.
News items:
Our individual interviews are scheduled for
tomorrow (Kris is @ 8am, Annie is @ 2:30.)
Allison, our caseworker, will be coming to
conduct our home study on Thursday @ 1pm.
How can you help? - just keep on doing what
you've already been doing so brilliantly, pray. We covet your prayers
this week. Specifically, pray for peace in our hearts and minds.
Pray that we will remember that GOD is in control not Kris or Andrea.
Pray that everything goes smoothly. Pray too for our case worker,
Allison. She is an instrumental part in the home study process since she
interviews each of us and conducts our in-home visit.
Also, if I may be so bold to ask this of you,
pray for the birth mother and father who are somewhere out there. Pray that
they are safe. Pray for the choices they will be making (especially those
that can/will affect the health of the baby.) Pray that God will give
them (and really ALL of us) confirmation of the decision they are making.
Most of all please pray that this entire experience will be a testimony
of God's sovereignty and faithfulness - this is our ultimate goal.
We cherish each and every one of you. Thank
you for being you, dear friends.
Much love,
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