Since we made our big announcement, many of you
have been asking how you can help us during this process. Here are a few ways you can get
1. Pray - I've said it before and I'll say it
again - prayer is truly one of the most valuable gifts you can give us.
We have walked with friends on their adoption journey and now that we are
finding our way on this road I can absolutely confirm that prayer is a
tremendous gift. We are so humbled and
grateful when hear you’ve prayed for us.
Specifically, please pray for:
Strength & Patience
Pray that the Lord will strengthen our hearts
for whatever lies ahead. Help us to know that even through delays and disappointments,
the right time & child are out there.
Wisdom & Discernment
So that we may have confirmation of the
decisions we will need to make.
The Birth Family
Pray for protection. Pray for the choices
they are making. Pray that they too will have confirmation and peace in
the decisions they are making.
2. Listen - This is going to sound
border-line crazy, so bear with me. There's a chance that one of YOU could
know a woman/couple who needs an adoption plan for their baby. I know
that sounds unbelievable, but you wouldn't believe the amazing stories, GOD
sized stories. My sweet friend Lindsey was
approached in the grocery store by a friend of hers who heard she was
thinking about adoption, and happened to know a young woman who was looking for
a couple to adopt her child. Stories like Lindsey's are the tip of the
iceberg. Maybe you know of a situation you think we need to hear about -
who knows what God might do... Keep your
ears peeled!
3. Give - A lot of folks aren't comfortable
with adoption fundraising. As my friend Sam says, it's the co-sleeping/breast feeding
issue of the adoptive world. Boy is she right. Who among us likes
to ask for help? Here's what I know - God has given us the desire to
adopt. We trust him that this is the way he wants to grow our family -
and our trust in him extends to our finances too. Already in this process
we've been blown away with how our own money has seemed to stretch a little further
(which is a whole post in itself). That said, we are planning a fundraiser
later in the winter (more details to come later) and we are accepting all donations
though the Rock Bridge Foundation at our church, Brentwood Baptist.
If you'd like to contribute, you can do so online - be sure to choose 'adoption' under the
designation dropdown and then email, give her your name and tell her your contribution is for
the Barnett family adoption fund. We will only see names of people who
have donated, not amounts. If you’re concerned with some part of this process, please
let us or Bryce know and we will make sure your donation was processed
correctly. All donations are tax deductible.
You can also mail a check with a note that says
"Barnett family adoption fund" to:
Brentwood Baptist Church
Rock Bridge Foundation
Attn: Bryce Fowler
7777 Concord Road
Brentwood, TN 37027
Rock Bridge Foundation
Attn: Bryce Fowler
7777 Concord Road
Brentwood, TN 37027
You’ve no idea what your involvement means to
us. Kindness, in any form, is never
small and certainly doesn’t go unnoticed by us.
So in closing, I’ll put my theatre degree to work and borrow these words from Shakespeare. I think he says it best, ‘I can no other
answer make, but thanks, and thanks.’
Much love,
Annie & KB
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