Friday, October 12, 2012


Here’s a cool story for you. So this sweet girl, Anna, was in my life group at church for several years.  You can’t imagine how incredibly talented she is– maker of jewelry & clothing, she paints, she draws AND she’s a crackin’ photographer to boot - creativity abounds!  Well, as sweet girls tend to do, she went and grew into a wonderful young person.  She’s in her junior year at O’More College of Design (fancy, huh!) pursuing her degree in fashion design and making the world just a little bit more pretty every day.  Naturally, when the time came for KB & I to have our pictures taken for our adoption profile our sweet Anna happily obliged. 

To see some of Anna’s work go HERE.  To say hello to our photographic-miracle-worker go HERE.  We love you, Anna!

Much love, 

Annie & KB


  1. Beautiful...your little one is so blessed! Amy Ayscue

  2. Thanks Amy! Miss y'all - hope everyone in NC is well : )

  3. Hi Andrea,

    I have an adoption fundraising idea I'd like to share with you. Could you please email me at


    Matthew Lee
